Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Alice Stewart: "What Trump got right in Texas"

Oh,'ve come out of the woodwork with your head squarely up Dumpie Trumpie's ass. My head hangs low in embarrassment for you.

In your CNN op-ed, you claim that Harvey's victims don't need a visit from the Fake President with a silly alliterative play:

"They need homes, not hugs; they need structures, not selfies; and they need funds, not a presidential flyover."

I'd like to tell you how clever you are, but you need truth, not Trump-like titillation; you need honesty, not horrific hero worship; you need a psychological exam; not pussy grabbing. And I do hope that my lazy attempt at alliteration meets the ridiculous level you set with yours..

While you excuse Trump for failing to extend comfort to the actual victims of this tragic event, you espouse his virtue for his personal visit with emergency workers to lift their spirits and boost their morale. WTF, Alice? Did you leave your brain in Wonderland??

Your final Trumpian moment of idiocy comes when you climb onto that elevated horse's back and claim:

"Now is not the time to play politics and point fingers."

Really, Alice, really? What exactly are doing writing this article then?? Even your title is all about politics. C'mon, Alice, who do you think you're fooling? But then again, maybe all you're trying to do is get Trumplethinskin's attention in the hopes that he'll notice you and pat you on your little head - if so, good luck with that. You are contributing to a failing FAKE NEWS network and you are part of the MSM, with all the lies and evil that entails.

Seriously, Alice...bad, pathetic, as our so-called President would say.

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