Sunday, June 18, 2017

A Trump Father's Day Assessment

It really frightens me that people in this country have accepted the lying and bullying of a “man” like Donald Trump. Today is Father’s Day and his Sunday morning spew on Twitter is full of lies about his approval rating versus that of President Obama at this point in his presidency. He also, once again, takes credit for job growth that happened prior to his election, and more importantly, in spite of the fact that he now resides in the White House.

His son Eric took the opportunity to post a photo of Father’s Day gifts he received, while also marketing his father’s propaganda products…Make America Great Again, indeed. It has become increasingly apparent that the entire Trump family has sold their souls to the devil for the almighty buck. Daughter Ivanka has been exposed for using sweat shops to produce her “I’m a filthy rich, completely out of touch with the real world, spoiled brat” clothing/shoe/jewelry/whatever other nonsense product lines. Eric has been nailed as a children’s charity donation thief, along with his father. And Donnie Jr. continues to make a fool of himself whenever he opens his mouth (or types). The pasty-complexioned, grease-ball embodies all the worst characteristics of disreputable, slimy, used car salesman. Poor Melania only married into the Scam Clan, but it’s not hard to see that her true resume consists of gold-digging, sex-flaunting, and soul-selling for the silver-spoon lifestyle. She’s the perfect example of the Euro-trash tramp making good her American dream by marrying her own dough-boy billionaire. The remaining offspring are of little consequence now, but are sure to make their father proud as they grow into vapid, cash-hoarding/whoring carbon copies.

The Feckless Four
The Trumps might believe they are the Untouchables – they certainly behave as if they are – but based on current trends and what Trump calls “fake news” (a.k.a. factual news reporting) they will soon be the Unmentionables. Perhaps Donald Trump hasn’t colluded with Russia, maybe he isn’t guilty of obstruction of justice…the problem is that his own flappy mouth is quickly backing him into a corner of his own making. I have no doubt that he will get his just desserts (which will probably not include the most beautiful piece of chocolate cake, ever), that the “witch hunt” will result in the end of his presidency and hopefully, his ability to speak publicly. The most frustrating part of the whole thing for me is that when he is inevitably removed from power, Trump won’t have the self-awareness to recognize that the destruction of his world is self-inflicted because he never matured past 4th grade.  I also have no doubt that he will blame everyone on earth apart from himself and continue to behave as if he is some kind of magnificent human being. 

 The really unfortunate part of the story is that he has raised his children as if they, too, are extraordinary, simply for existing…but unless they suffer from his level of delusion, they will always know – somewhere in their psyche – that they not good, decent people, that they are due no special consideration, and that they are the spawn of a demagogue of the worst sort. In the words and stunted expression of Donald Trumplethinskin: Pathetic! Sad!

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